The life sciences industry has struggled to adapt to pharma’s new rules to provide healthcare professionals with a superior customer experience (CX). Due to this, pharmaceutical organizations are not maximizing the opportunities they have to improve healthcare professional relationships. There is a significant misalignment between how the pharmaceutical industry provides healthcare professionals (HCPs) with information and services and how HCPs would like to receive them. As well, the ways in which pharma companies use the channels available to engage with HCPs are not being used appropriately across the entire organization. As companies continue to strive to be more healthcare professional-centric, there are important rules that should be considered to meet HCP expectations.

Hear from industry leaders: Chris Wade – Associate Vice President, Strategic Solutions, AurĂ©lie Rognon, Director, Global Customer Experience Lead | Digital Transformation & Operation Team at Ipsen, and Patrick Markt-Niederreiter, Vice President of Digital Excellence at Daiichi Sankyo on the rules that pharmaceutical organizations need to implement to overcome these challenges.

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